Dirrarn by Carl Merrison & Hakea Hustler

Following on from the award winning 2018 junior fiction book Black Cockatoo, authors Carl Merrison and Hakea Hustler have written another engaging read where main character Mia is now attending boarding school in Perth. So far from her big-sky Country in the Kimberely, Mia is finding life in a city boarding school not for her. Bullied by a gang of girls with ring-leader Charlotte at the fore, homesick for her family and struggling with the unfamiliar routine of homework, Mia’s only salvation is her friendship with Naya and the strength she draws from her totem, Dirrarn (Black Cocaktoo). Both Mia and Naya are singled out cruelly for being different and both strive to support each other through the challenges. Mia accepts wise advice from an older ‘buddy’ at the school in an attempt to passively deal with the ever-escalating situation with bully Charlotte. However one day Charlotte goes too far and Mia retaliates with consequences for both girls. At the end of term Mia goes home for the holidays, reconnects with family and friends and realises she will need to make a choice about where her future lies.
This book is a short, accessible read with softly toned black and white illustrations of many objects relevant and meaningful to the story spread throughout. These gentle illustrations add visual interest for those readers who may struggle with large chunks of text on the page. Words from the Jaru, Noongar and Kriol languages plus Aboriginal English are included in the text with a glossary is at the end - although the meaning is often very clear in the story.
The story of Dirrarn offers all young readers a sensitively written insight into the challenges faced by First Nation children when taken out of Country and culture and placed in unfamiliar environments. This book is a wonderful opportunity to broaden non-First Nation peoples’ understanding of our oldest culture and would make an excellent class novel. Teacher's notes are available.
Themes: First Nations, Boarding School, Bullies, Country, Family, Friends, Choices, City Life, Culture.
Kathryn Beilby